Where should you move to next?

Life is too short to spend it all in the same place

Le Morne, Mauritius
Movecrunch is your #1 resource to decide which country to move to next! It is aimed at location-independent earners such as remote workers, digital nomads, crypto traders, pensioners or investors. It contains everything you need to make an informed decision to find the next country to call home.

What is movecrunch?

A one-week holiday in Thailand is fun and all, but nothing beats the excitement of living long term in a brand new part of the World. When you live in another country, everything in your daily life becomes an adventure: going to the supermarket, learning the language, experiencing your first cyclone warning, dressing up in orange celebrating the king's birthday or listening to the new local music hit on the radio in your car.

But moving to another country is a big decision! It requires careful consideration and planning. How can you live there legally long term? What is the life there like? What will the cost of life be? How about taxes?

For each country on movecrunch, you will find:

  • Major highlights on why you should or shouldn't move there
  • Residency and visa programs
  • Cost of life estimates
  • Tax system overview
  • Coming soon: quality of life indexes, move simulator, tax treaties.

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