Investor Occupation Permit

program type Investment
residency type Temporary residency
Le Morne, Mauritius

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The Occupation Permit (OP) is a combined work and residence permit which allows foreign nationals to work and reside in Mauritius under the following 3 specific categories: Investor, Professional & Self-Employed.

An Investor, as defined under the Immigration Act, is a shareholder and director in a company incorporated in Mauritius under the Companies Act 2001.

Fact sheet

Program type

Investment programs require that you make an initial investment in the country along sometimes with a minimum turnover.

Residency type
Temporary residency (10 years)
Minimum investment


An Investor should make an initial transfer of $50,000 or its equivalent in freely convertible foreign currency in the bank account of the company under which the application will be made.

Minimum investment can be lowered or waived for investments in innovative start-ups subject to either:

  • the submission and approval of an innovative project to the Economic Development Board
  • the registration and approval with an incubator accredited with the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council


  • Successful applicant can become a tax resident of Mauritius if (s)he spends at least 183 days in the country per year.
  • The applicant can rent and live in any property on the island.
  • The applicant can purchase pre-approved properties (properties open to be purchased by foreigners)


  • Application subject to approval from the Economic Development board.


For renewal of an OP in the Investor category, the company should generate a minimum gross income of MUR 4,000,000 ($99,132) per year as from the third year of registration.

Path to 20 years Residence Permit (RP)

A holder of an Investor Occupation Permit is eligible to apply for a 20-year Permanent Residence Permit provided the following specific conditions are met:

  • a minimum annual gross income of at least MUR 15,000,000 ($371,746) for 3 years preceding the application.
  • OR an aggregate turnover of MUR 45,000,000 ($1,115,237) for any consecutive period of 3 years preceding the application

Residency for dependents

The Dependents of an Occupation Permit holders are eligible to apply for a residence permit. Dependents are defined as spouse (including Common Law Partner of the opposite sex) and children, including step-children or lawfully adopted children, under 24 years of age.

Household import

Individual who is not a citizen of Mauritius and is coming to work in Mauritius (Occupation permit/work permit) is eligible to an exemption from any duty and taxes on Household and Personal Effects.

Household and Personal Effects include items such as: furniture, picture, bedding, linen, cutlery, crockery, silver and plated ware, sewing machine, radio set, television set, musical instrument, refrigerator, cooking stove, heater, perambulator and similar articles for domestic use.

The household and personal effects should have been purchased abroad and should not be intended for sale or transfer, and should be imported within 6 months of the arrival of the passenger.

Pet import

Anyone who wishes to bring to Mauritius a pet (dog, cat, bird etc…) should apply and obtain an Import Permit from the Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security, Division of Veterinary Services, three to six months prior to departure, depending on their residential country.

Pet will be quarantined for 5 to 30 days depending on origin.

Breeds not allowed into Mauritius:

  • American Pit Bull Terrier
  • American Staffordshire Terrier
  • Staffordshire Terrier
  • Blue Nose Pit Bull
  • Red Nose Pit Bull
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • Boerboel

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